Mods 4 Beginners

Includes a new Active Fire Mod System, Aim-Assist, Anti-Recoil, Burst Fire, Shot Mods, Auto Sprint and Hair Triggers. All button layouts and Stick Layouts.

The Mods For Beginners GamePack features exclusive new Mods. All the FPS favorites are included: Active Fire Mods, Aim Assist, Anti-Recoil, Active Shot Mods, Auto Sprint, Hair Triggers, and a much-requested Bumper/Trigger Swap.

There are two methods to setup and configure Mods in this GamePack, the first being the GamePack Configuration Interface (or GCI) and the second is the Zen OLED Menu System.

The GCI either pops up every time you program a GamePack to a memory slot, or when you click on the memory slot number in Zen Studio. This is a really quick way to setup all your preferred defaults from the get-go.

The Zen OLED Menu System is a new groundbreaking feature that allows the configuration and tuning of dozens of different Mod modes and combinations, on-the-fly and in seconds, all from an easy to read OLED interface. Once you have programmed this GamePack to a memory slot it must be enabled and active. This is done by pressing the Memory Slot Button (P1) until the logo of the GamePack you wish to use appears on the OLED screen.

When you see the logo of this GamePack displayed on the screen, simply hold LT/L2 & press MENU/OPTIONS to access the Mod Menu System.

All Adjustable Mods can be tuned and tested in real-time directly from the Zen GamePack OLED Adjustables Menu.

The Zen OLED Menu System has built in screensaver protection to help protect against screen burn. It will kick in after 3 minutes of inactivity. Press any button to return to the Mod Menu screen.

Quick Toggles allow you to access the OLED Menu System and instantly enable/disable active Mods while gaming. This gives an incredible advantage in certain situations, for example if you are using a weapon that requires Anti-Recoil to be disabled quickly, or if you are using a fully automatic weapon and need to disable Rapid Fire, simply tap the Quick Toggle designated to the Active Fire Mod.

Note: When a Mod is disabled, any associated Quick Toggle is also disabled.

Some versions of this game don't have a Bumper/Trigger Swap option, so we included one for you. RB/R1 & LB/L1 becomes RT/R2 & LT/L2.

This category has a powerful Rapid Fire type Mod.

Rapid Fire is designed for semi-automatic and single shot weapons. The feature makes them shoot as fully automatics and gives the players a greater firing power compared to the one achieved through manual trigger pulling.

In simple terms, the Mod pulls the Fire Trigger on your behalf. When you hold down RT/R2, the mod keeps pressing fire in the background over and over again until you release it. It also lets you focus on aiming better by taking away the need to constantly press fire.

There are a few things worth noting:

Every game and gun has a capped fire-rate preset by the game developer. The mod can optimize to it's maximum speed and also help with tricks such as cool down and weapon swap speed, but the actual fire speed can never go above the preset capped rate.

The Rapid Fire mod is not effective for single shot weapons that have a very slow firing rate such as Bolt Action Rifles.

Cronus Mod Technology offers a tactical Quick Toggle feature. It allows the player to quickly disable or enable the Active Fire Mod depending on the gaming circumstances - for example when your character is carrying both semi and fully-automatic weapons at the same time. While changing between primary and secondary classes, Rapid Fire can be quickly turned ON or OFF by holding LT/L2 + D-PAD UP.

Pro Tip: While Rapid Fire will not usually make a fully-automatic gun shoot any faster, it can have positive side effects on full-auto guns, such as reducing recoil thus increasing accuracy at a long range and helping players conserve ammunition and achieve more headshots.

Control exactly when a Mod is activated. This is particularly useful if you have one Mod that activates only when you Press Fire and another Mod that activates only when you press ADS & Fire.

Recoil is when your weapon moves on its own while firing. Anti-Recoil reduces this erratic movement making your shots more accurate and more likely to hit your target. For example, without Anti-Recoil your weapon may pull up when you fire and with Anti-Recoil your weapon will stay on target and fire straight.

Each weapon in each game has a unique recoil pattern and when adjusted correctly Anti-Recoil simply combats the vertical (and sometimes horizontal) aspect of this. When the game causes the weapon to pull up, Anti-Recoil will pull the weapon down enough to level out your shot.

Pro Tip: When you use a high sensitivity the value can be higher than the default value. When you use a low sensitivity the value can be lower than the default value.

Anti-Recoil Vertical strength can be adjusted from 1 to 100 & Horizontal strength -100% to 100% in real-time by using the Zen OLED GamePack Adjustable Menu. A higher value means a stronger recoil compensation, a lower value means less recoil compensation. This allows you to quickly tune your weapon directly from your controller while playing the game, without having to unplugging and connecting your Zen to a PC.

If a weapon is pulling up too much increase the Y value and if recoil is pulling down to much decrease the Y value. When a weapon pulls left to much increase the X value and if it pulls right to much you will need to decrease it.

If you are using the Inverted-Y Axis version of this Mod, it will also need to be enabled in-game.

Select which Shot Mod is active during gameplay. These Mods make you a harder target while confusing the enemy in the process.

Control exactly when a Mod is activated. This is particularly useful if you have one Mod that activates only when you Press Fire and another Mod that activates only when you press ADS & Fire.

When Auto Sprint is enabled, all you have to do to make your character sprint is by moving the left thumb stick in the specified direction that you wish to run. Now you'll never have to constantly press your left thumbstick again.

You can also ADS and Fire anytime while sprinting. Once you release the ADS button, your character will continue sprinting.

Game's applies a "dead-zone" to the trigger buttons, which means the triggers (either shooting or ADS) need to be pressed almost half way down before they are registered by the game. With this Hair Trigger Mod you can ensure your weapon will fire or ADS at the slightest amount of pressure.

When using this Mod, the LT/L2 and RT/R2 triggers are digitally converted so that they perform with ultra sensitivity without having to hardwire any extra components to your controller - saving both your warranty and money.

This option blocks all rumble signals sent from the game, but still allows the GamePack to read in-game rumble frequencies (used by several mods to measure timing).

So, if you have this Mod disabled your controller will vibrate while shooting, and if this Mod is enabled your controller will not vibrate while your shooting.

In-Game rumble/vibration must still be enabled.

When this GamePack is being used on a PlayStation 5 or 4 and detects the connected controller is not a DualSense or DualShock 4, it will automatically reassign Touchpad to the Select/Back/View/Minus Button of your crossover controller so you are still able to utilize the Touchpad functionality on a PlayStation while using a Crossover controller. You can also access the PS5/PS4 Share Screen by pressing Select/Back/View/Minus + RS (Right Stick).

If you are experiencing unstable performance or settings issues with your GamePack, it's likely that the configuration profile has become corrupted. This can sometimes happen when updating to a newer GamePack version with major structural changes or using a memory slot that already had a pack previously programmed to it.

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